Chalkboards at the Hill

Hey there everyone!

My name is Ramsés “Ram” Taveras, and I am a first-year student at Holy Cross. I grew up in the Dominican Republic and moved to Providence, RI when I was fourteen. I have many interests and goals that I want to accomplish at the Hill, including majoring in Accounting!

My experience at Holy Cross has been a lot better than expected, I must say. I had rather scary ideas for how things were going to be, but I am glad to say that I was mistaken in just about all of them—I think the workload is the only thing that I estimated properly. However, instead of getting more in-depth into other topics right off the bat, I believe it is only fit that I explain why I chose to attend Holy Cross.

I remember the stress of researching different schools, the rush of applying to as many of them as possible, and the fear that overcame me when it came to deciding on just one of them. I had barely gone to any of the schools that I applied to, which made the decision that much more difficult. After all, my teachers, along with my parents and classmates, kept telling me that this was one of the most important decisions I would ever make in my life.

When I went to one of Holy Cross’ open houses, there was quite the uninviting weather—it was cold, windy, and there was a snowstorm going on. I tried not paying much attention to that and looked closer at the College.

Now, what really attracted me about Holy Cross was, in fact, its simplicity. The chalkboards were a big plus for me, probably because they reminded me of the classrooms in the Dominican Republic, and because; for some reason, those chalkboards also symbolized a certain humbleness.

As time at Holy Cross passes by, and we get deeper into midterms season, I wonder whether I will find myself within another snowstorm or a warm place under the winter sun. I will be crossing my fingers!